Settlement Or Judgment? Understand These Personal Injury Situations

People hurt in car accidents can face a couple of confusing terms, such as settlements and judgments. Most people place a high priority on getting paid money damages for their injuries caused by another driver, and you have two choices in how to do that. Read on to learn a bit about each so that you'll be ready to be paid what you are owed.

A Settlement Comes Your Way

When you suffer an injury, your first thought might be to file a lawsuit. That may not the best way to get what you deserve, however. You and your personal injury attorney can use a settlement, and the entire ordeal can be over in a few weeks' time. A settlement is an agreement between you and the other driver's insurance company. This agreement provides you with money damages as long as you agree not to pursue the matter in court.

Settlements Can be Quick and Easy

While court calendars can mean that a trial is months and months away, a settlement can be accomplished as soon as you know what you deserve. Once your attorney reviews your case, a demand will be sent to the other side. This letter threatens to sue unless the demands are met. The vast majority of personal injury cases never need a judge to pass a judgment – they are settled outside of court.

Court Judgments May be Necessary

You can count on playing a major role in your court case. You will be called to testify on at least two occasions – the deposition and the trail. It can help to be prepared for those occasions.

A Successful Testimony Experience

Speak to your personal injury attorney for some tips on what to expect when you testify. You might want to keep the following in mind:

1. Refresh your memory. If you have not already begun using a pain journal, do so right away. You should note not just medical appointments, diagnostic tests and the like, but the way the accident affects your life on a continuous basis.

2. Be cool, calm, and collected. The other side may try to make you nervous, but take a few deep breaths and refuse to allow it. Try the following:

  • Take your time when answering -- don't allow yourself to be rushed.
  • Do not ramble on – stick to the point and only answer what is asked.
  • Never answer a question you don't fully understand – ask for clarification first.
  • It's okay to answer, "I don't know".

The most important thing to keep in mind is your right to be compensated for the pain and expense of the accident. There is no one more qualified to assist you in either a settlement or in court than a personal injury attorney, so have your case evaluated today. For more information, contact a law office like Bangel, Bangel & Bangel.
