When it's an emergency need, the details don't matter. Auto accidents can leave victims in dire need of help of any kind, whether that's an ambulance ride to the hospital or a visit to your usual doctor. When it comes to what is covered by auto insurance, however, things can get a bit more complex. Read on to learn more about how to deal with medical coverage after an accident.
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Have you asked your neighbor to get rid of the beehives on their house because the pests keep flying into your yard? Is your reason for fearing bees due to having an allergy that can put your life at risk if you get stung by one of them? If you were stung by one of the bees and went through a traumatizing experience as a result of it, suing your neighbor on a personal injury basis might be possible.
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If you have a personal injury case, you may be required to undergo a deposition with the defense attorney. A deposition is a simple proceeding in which a defense attorney asks you questions in order to assess the case and prepare their defense. You may be required to undergo a deposition even if your case does not go to trial, as the defendant in your case may decide whether or not to offer an adequate settlement based on your deposition.
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To meet the demands of holiday shoppers throughout the country, online retailers are now relying on independent drivers to tackle their deliveries. With strict timetables to follow and ambitious goals to make, it doesn't take much for a potentially overstressed or exhausted driver to make a dangerous mistake that results in a serious accident.
If you're injured in an accident involving an independently contracted driver, the process of seeking fair compensation for your injuries and damages can be an uphill battle.
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It's difficult to imagine just how disrupting a car accident can be until it happens to you. Pain and discomfort from the injuries you've suffered are to be expected but many also suffer in unexpected ways. Your mental health is just as much at risk as your physical condition might be so read to learn how to deal with this problem and how to be compensated for it.
Don't Discount the Psychological Effects of the Accident
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